Thursday, October 27, 2005

Interesting Article on the Workplace Experiences of Individuals with Psychatric Disabilities

New on Westlaw: Susan G. Goldberg et al., The Disclosure Conundrum: How People with Psychiatric Disabilities Navigate Employment, 11 Psychol. Pub. Pol'y & L. 463 (2005). The abstract:

The vocational rehabilitation and mental health literatures usually urge people with psychiatric disabilities to disclose their disability at work. Reasons for preferring disclosure include the opportunity to invoke rights conferred by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the risk of losing federal disability benefits when earning a higher income, and the belief--held by many professionals--that people with psychiatric disabilities will experience permanently debilitating symptoms. However, a newer model of recovery from psychiatric disability challenges these assumptions. A qualitative study of people with psychiatric disabilities explored these issues. The participants were current or former recipients of social security benefits provided to persons with significant disabilities. Participants described complex situations around employment and disclosure, which were more difficult to resolve than disclosure advocates have recognized.


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