Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Transit Access Legislation in Britain

See this press release, which begins:

A major loophole in the law will be plugged next month when, for the first time, disabled people and those with long-term health conditions have the right to be treated fairly on public transport.

The new duties, which extend the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), mean that disabled people have the right to be treated fairly and the right to reasonable adjustments on buses, coaches, trains and taxis.

The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) will be responsible for enforcing the amended legislation, ensuring transport operators meet their new duties and disabled people know about their new rights.

Bert Massie, Chairman of the DRC, welcomed the new legislation:

“This is an important legal change - having no right to be treated fairly on public transport has been a major loophole in the law. Disabled people have felt frustrated at having no legal redress to poor treatment – a common feature of calls to the Commission.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time, its great that premises should be disabled friendly but what's the point if you can't get to it? Let's hope that disabled demand their rights to accessible transport or this will be just as ineffectual as the DDA has been to date.

5:33 AM  

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